AAUSAT3 - Mission overview

AAUSAT3 FM and EM ready for shipping.
AAUSAT3 is a 1U http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CubeSat cubesat developed and constructed solely by students from Department of Electronic Systems at Aalborg University Denmark.
AAUSAT3 Mission? We are proud to state that it is 100% student work without any COTS or commercial subsystems. So no-one to blame (except in-house ;-) if things goes wrong.
In short: The AAUSAT3 mission is to test two AIS receivers developed by students.
Main test area will be around Greenland due to the low density of ships and the cooperation with our main sponsor Danish Maritime Authority.
AAUSAT3 will - hopefully - be capable of receiving AIS information and carry out on-line information analysis. Still the full AIS telegrams (the HDLC package) are stored on-board and can be downloaded. Partially damaged telegrams will be stored as well (given a number of restrictions/rules) for later repairing in the ground segment. So weak signals (like from SART equipment) may be receive-able by AAUSAT3.
Furthermore we hope to see AAUSAT3 as a proof of concept of our very strict modular design with no central OBC/CDH managing the satellite.