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Modes description

Initialization mode (when EPS is booted)

Systems powered: EPS

1. Actions in this mode:

  • The burn wire is checked and if it has not been burned yet EPS waits xx seconds,

burns the wire else the mode is changed to safe. After a burn the wire is rechecked and if it's burned changes mode to Safe. If the burn did not succeed the burn is retried until burned or max x retries before changing state to safe mode.

2. Responsibility for mode change:

  • EPS can change the mode to Safe.

3. Mode change requeriments:

  • Jump to Safe mode when the burn wire has been checked.
  • Jump to Safe mode after max number of burn retries.

Safe mode

Systems powered: EPS

1. Actions in this mode:

  • Battery is charged/conditioned.

2. Responsibility for mode change:

  • EPS can change the mode to Recovery.

3. Mode change requeriments:

  • Jump to Recovery mode when battery voltage is high enough and temperature is ok?

Recovery mode

Systems powered: EPS, COM, OBC

1.Actions in this mode:

  • COM is being booted and starts in basic beacon mode. Bat. voltage is recieved from EPS.
  • OBC is being booted. On boot failure use an exponential backing alorithm (boot retry frequncy drops with time) to retry OBC boot.

2. Responsibility for mode change:

  • EPS can change the mode to Safe.
  • CDH can change the mode to Nominal.

3. Mode change requeriments:

  • Jump to Nominal mode when OBC has booted succesfully.
  • Jump to Safe mode when battery voltage to low.

4. Mode change actions (to nominal mode)

  • CDH sends boot-ok to EPS
  • On Boot-ok EPS starts WD.timer
  • CDH sends nominal mode beacon
  • On data from OBC COM changes mode to Nominal.

Nominal mode

Systems powered: EPS, COM, OBC, (ADCS, P/L)

1. Actions in this mode:

  • CDH waits for commands from ground
  • CDH sends nominal mode beacon

2. Responsibility for mode change:

  • EPS can change the mode to Recovery
  • EPS can change the mode to Safe.
  • CDH can change the mode to Initialization
  • CDH can change the mode to Recovery

3. Mode change requeriments:

  • Jump to Recovery mode on WDT Timeout (EPS) or when CDH decides to reboot (Command from CDH).
  • Jump to Safe mode when temperature of ?? is critical, or battery voltage is low.
  • Jump to Initialization mode when CDH decides to do a hard reboot.

Init sequence for subsytems

  • CDH sends command to EPS requesting power for a subsytem.
  • Confirmation from EPS.
  • CDH starts subsystem thread.

Shutdown scenarios for subsystems

1. EPS hardlimit is reached => imidiate shutdown.

2. CDH monitors power levels / temperature and shuts subsystems down nicely before EPS hard shutdown is necessary.

  • CDH sends shutdown message to subsystem
  • CDH waits for reply or times out
  • CDH send SS-shutdown command to EPS
  • EPS sends confirmation?