under construction
AAUSAT3 in details
AAUSAT3 is - in our opinion - a complicated system

AAUSAT3 logical structure
As seen on the figure AAUSAT3 consist of eight subsystems. The subsystems are deployed on a number of independent micro-controllers.
The subsystems are all attached to a 500 kbit/sec CANBUS running our own open source CSP (Cubesat Space pPotocol) which was developed as a part of AAUSAT3.i The link between AAUSAT3 and the ground segment is also CSP based on top of a forward error corrective protocol(Viterbi + RS) - also developed for AAUSAT3.
The ground segment consists of a GND interface, A Mission Control Center(MCS) and a number of Mission Control Clients. There is no restrictions of location of the clients as long as there is internet link to MCS
In AAUSAT3 three type of miccontrollers are used:
- AT90CAN128 at 8/16 MHz
- running FreeRTOS realtime kernel
- Two external flash storage chips with our own developed flash storage
- used for COM, AIS1, EPS, ADCS-1,COM
- ARM7 microcontroller at 20/40Mhz
- runningFreeRTOS realtime kernel
- used for ADCS-2
- BlackFinn DSP for SDR radio
- running linux
- used for AIS2
All interconnected with a 500 kbit/sec CANBUS and CSP (Cubesat Space pPotocol)
- All code is in C (except where bare metal demands machine code)
- SVN has been used
More to come